Friday, June 18, 2010

How can we help?

One way we can help is cleaning up trash at the beach. Also you can remember not to put oil and chemical stuff in the drain. Another way is to pick up trash.Donate money to programs that help water pollution. Check out the links that connect you to some websites.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pollution Disaster

1989 March 24 was the day of Exxon Valdez Oil Spill occurred in Alaska. An estimated 10.8 million U.S gallons spilled. It was one of the most devastating disasters in history.
By:Marc Mendoza-Leiva

History of water pollution

1948 is when Federal Water Pollution Control Act (F.W.P.C.A.) happened. A law was passed that gave more control to federal government power to pass pollution laws for the states. This made pollution get better. Then in 1972 change of enforcement happened. They started to pay more attention to point sources polluting. Now more pollution is happening because the government is paying less attention to how much pollution is getting into the water. The government is paying more attention to were its coming from. While that was going on the state gov. was now allowed to pass pollution laws.
By: Marc Mendoza-Leiva

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What is being done to help water pollution?

In 2008 volunteers got 6.8 million tons of trash,mostly from rivers and streams. David Mayer De Rothschild built plastiki witch is a boat that has 12,000 plastic bottles full of carbon dioxide. It is 60 feet made out of 12,500 plastic bottles. It has solar panels wind and propeller turbines and bicycle generators. They are trying to clean up the water.
By:Sean Cooper

Places where water pollution is common

The Pacific Trash Vortex is about the size of Texas. There is a high concentration of chemical sludge debris. 80% of garbage is from land and 20% of garbage is from is ships. Cruise ships produce more than 8 tons of solid waste weekly. Most of it is organic.
By:Sean Cooper

Monday, June 14, 2010

What are 2 causes and effects of water pollution?

The 2 I'm going to talk about is plastic and sewage. Plastic and other plastic like substances can entangle sea creatures. In conclusion this can cause pain,injuries and death. The effect of plastic is it would eventually break down and fish would eat it causing damage to the sea food chain. Now going on to sewage. An estimated 90% of sewage is going to lakes and streams without being cleaned. In the U.S. 850 gallons of waste are going into oceans. The effect is anything could get diseases,fish could die and fisher mans job could get harder to catch good fish.
By: Marc Mendoza-Leiva

What is water pollution?

Water pollution is water polluted by trash and other substances. Its been a major problem for a long time. Some organic things that pollute water are Detergents,food processing waste,chemical waste,sediment,trash,petroleum,fish nets,ship wrecks and there are many others. Many of those get into the marine ecosystem by fish eating it and drinking it .If one fish eats it many other will be affected by it.
By:Sean Cooper